When estate liquidation services are needed due to death, downsizing or other reasons, it’s important to understand the value of the items being sold. Having an expert discuss the goods involved is a responsible way to make sure you get a fair price for valuable items. That means having someone with the experience to accurately value items in a variety of categories, from coin collections to toys, or firearms to clocks, and more. Knowledge is power.
Raymond’s Antiques has a long history as a highly professional, yet compassionate, company that sincerely wants to help make any transition easier for those involved. We understand that the reasons for estate liquidation are typically uncomfortable, and we will do our best to work in a straightforward manner to make things easier.
Kelly Higgins, the owner of Raymond’s Antiques, has been buying antiques and vintage items for over 30 years, and is a trusted source in the Tidewater area.
Located in Virginia Beach, we have conducted business all over the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, including the cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and the peninsula cities as well.
We have a good reputation as an honest buyer and you can trust us to always make a fair offer when you need to liquidate an estate in southeastern Virginia.